Literature, Art, Mode... the State of Style in the Paris of the South

Friday, September 28, 2012

Are You Ready for Fur This Season?

The outfit may be a little cray, but def 100% my style. Photo credit a la Wendy. Vintage mink fur collared sweater, BCBG cream sweater, Anthropologie navy polka dot top, BCBG skirt, Urban outfitters belt, gifted socks, Anthropologie shoes (my favorite)!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lookbook Flashback When Claude was but a Pup

An old lookbook shot, from back when Wendy and I trolled the streets looking for cheap landscapes. I'm no model, but we sure had fun. The dress is old Urban Outfitters along with the belt and boots, the jacket is a goodwill vintage find, the socks were a gift, the scarf is Burberry and the hat was Wendy's. The sachel is more recent J. Crew.  And look how adorable her puppy Claude was on the left. 

Musing on Autumn Inventory

Things are going well at Hampden though my hours have been cut back considerably for school. But what is really the best thing going on in my life right now, is autumn. Here in Charleston the seasonal change barely counts as a season, you get a weekend or two where the heat isn't relentless, and then all the sudden its time for jackets. We've been getting sweaters in like crazy, the jackets are rolling in, there are all forms of jeggings/leggings, stretched, cropped and waxed denim, leather and fur is everywhere, and it seems we can't get enough of the color plum. While my personal favorites of the season are pretty predictable, (Rag & Bone, Opening Ceremony, Carven, Elizabeth & James, Derek Lam, Tila March) there have also been a few surprises (Roseanna, a new line we picked up has an excellent oriental influenced smoking jacket). I was also surprised by the variations on leather usage, and the fabrics designers seemed to dream up, from the polyester viscose blend Opening Ceremony plays with like a cropped mohair, to Roseanna's lightweight brocades, and Derek Lam's amazing print pants that reference something between a lily pad and a paper doily, and yet I nevertheless cannot get enough of. 

So, rather than ramble on, let me post a few favorites:

First, here is the Derek Lam pant that I adore. They are priced at around $1300 so there is scant chance you will catch me running around in them, but the detail and inventiveness of the pattern is truly beautiful.
This Opening Ceremony dress is so me. The plum color is there, with a quirky white mesh cutout, (the back is completely bare). The material is really unique too, something I dubbed cropped faux mohair lol.
Carven is really emerging as one of my favorite lines. While the fit on this jacket was a little untrue to size and awkward, it was something that I instantly knew would be a staple in my wardrobe. The peplum detailing is adorable, and the material itself was similar to that which was all over Opening Ceremony's RTW collection.
This Chris Benz dress weighs about 12 lbs and costs over $2000, but is incredibly striking.
Of course, I couldn't do a feature on staples without the Rag & Bone bootie. Here it is in suede, but i'm holding out for the floral.
Here is the brocade smoking jacket by Roseanna. If you haven't checked the french line out yet, give them a look.
This is just Rag & Bone magic with this textile. If I save up for three months I can own this. I do wish it was a double breasted though, or at least didn't have the tulip hem, although it is totally appropriate for Charleston weather.
For some reason, I was biased against Tila March for awhile. I think it was the name sounded a little too preppy for me. Lo and behold I love these shoes. Gold detailing, side cutouts, and beautiful suede: the color is perfect too, I've never been an olive person, but this is so well done I think I would wear it comfortably as a neutral.

ALL of the above pieces are available at Hampden Clothing.

About Me

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Charleston, South Carolina, United States
Stylist, librarian, poet, writer, painter, musician, model, equestrian, eclectic, traveller, lover extraordinaire. Hemmingway enthusiast, Plath romanticist, 1940's historian.